Sunday, March 11, 2007

Reading leads to rambling

Lately, I have been on a classics kick when it comes to reading. First, I have to say that I have read most of these books before, but I have a memory like a sieve, so that often it is as if I am reading a new book, or a book that I keep having a strong sense of deja vu about. Anyway, it all started with the Which Jane Austen Heroine Are You quiz. I simply had to read Persuasion, then I moved on to Pride and Prejudice (which I really enjoyed), then Emma (I didn't like her a bit), then Northanger Abbey (it was ok). I felt as if I were getting into a rut with Jane. Now I am reading Mary Barton by Elizabeth Gaskell. It is interesting to me that the discussion of whether women should work outside the home, and what the benefits and the problems are, were being discussed back them. The problem of urbanization and industrialization and how that impacts society is still being played out today.

I have been working at being more environmentally conscious and remembering to donate food to those in need. Oh, that sounds so self-important, but that really isn't my intent. Fiona really likes to pick out things to put in the donation bin. It is pretty cute. She seems to pick out the things that are her favorites. This last time it was tomato and roasted red pepper soup, two kinds of macaroni and cheese and a jar of pickles.

One of the first times she noticed one of the people who stand at freeway on/off ramps asking for food/work/money she said that the construction people would come and help the person and build him a house with his own bedroom and they would build him a bed and they would build him a blanket and then he would have his own house and be warm.

Why doesn't it work that way?

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