Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I finished my first sock!

And I have already cast on the second.

The kitchener stitch looks like crap and I don't know why. I don't have anyone to ask right now, so it will have to stand as is.

As soon as Fiona put the sock on she said, "Mama, you have to make me another sock, my other foot is cold!" I think she was a little disappointed when I explained that I couldn't just make one right now it would take a little while. At least she likes it.


Pikku- Kettu said...

Congratulations for your first sock!

That sock looks great and I honestly can't find the supposed crappiness in the kitchener's stitch. Mine always looks a little bit uneven (I can't hold my tension while I thread it), but it evens out in use.

sara said...

Your Kitchener looks absolutely professional...Mine is dreadful. I finally had to learn toe-up because my Kitchener absolutely ruined my final outcome.

Lovely sock!

picperfic said...

the kitchener stitch looks fine..it took me about three goes to get it right.Now I rush to get to the bind off stage just so I can practice the kitchener stitch again. I also love the yarn, any chance you could tell us what it is please?

Anonymous said...

it looks pretty good to me but i'm still in my scarf- knitting stage.
such cute colors!